Educational Psychology Major Details

Educational Psychology is a major in the Social Sciences field. It offers a low median lifetime income of $2.41 million. The coursework of this major is considered by students to be NA in difficulty. A very high share of 71% of students go on to obtain a masters, doctorate, or professional degree after their bachelors. The data on this page was constructed using a variety of data sources – see details here.

Educational Psychology Majors’ Salary Over the Career

This figure shows median earnings by age for those who majored in Educational Psychology but have a bachelor’s degree only (in red), and those who majored in Educational Psychology but obtained a masters degree or higher in green. For reference, in black are median earnings by age for all college graduates who have a bachelor’s degree only. Only men are included in these estimates.

Major Summary Table

This table highlights key outcomes for Educational Psychology majors, compared to averages for all majors.

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