Plant Science And Agronomy Majors’ Salary Over the Career
This figure shows median earnings by age for those who majored in Plant Science And Agronomy but have a bachelor’s degree only (in red), and those who majored in Plant Science And Agronomy but obtained a masters degree or higher in green. For reference, in black are median earnings by age for all college graduates who have a bachelor’s degree only. Only men are included in these estimates.
Major Summary Table
This table highlights key outcomes for Plant Science And Agronomy majors, compared to averages for all majors.
Most Common Occupations by Degree Type and Age
Top 10 Early-Career Occupations (Bachelor’s only)
The 10 most common occupations and median income within occupation among men aged 25-35 that have a bachelors degree only. Source: American Community Survey 2009-2022
Top 10 Mid-Career Occupations (Bachelor’s only)
The 10 most common occupations and median wage income within occupation among men aged 45-55 that have a bachelors degree only. Source: American Community Survey 2009-2022
Top 10 Mid-Career Occupations (Master’s Degree or higher)
The 10 most common occupations and median wage income within occupation among men aged 45-55 that have a masters degree, professional degree (eg, MD, PharmD), or PhD. Source: American Community Survey 2009-2022
Most Common Industries by Age
Top 10 Early-Career Industries
The 10 most common industries and median wage income within industry among men aged 25-35 that have at least a Bachelor’s degree. Source: American Community Survey 2009-2022
Top 10 Mid-Career Industries
The 10 most common industries and median wage income within industry among men aged 45-55 that have at least a Bachelor’s degree. Source: American Community Survey 2009-2022